vanceleeWith a resume well-adorned with over 200 creative awards, Vancelee Teng is one of the most outstanding Malaysians to have established himself in the creative advertising world. However, as many people have remarked, neither is he a workaholic, nor is he a person who does not appreciate better living.

He is perceptive and yet entrepreneurial. He possesses wisdom derived from the streets of USA, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Morocco, Egypt, Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Tibet, China, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Macau, Brunei, Philippines, Monaco, Taiwan, Vatican, Sikkim, Peru, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Maldives, Jordan, Germany, Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia – countries he has stepped upon and written about, for creative and cultural purposes.

Currently based in Bangkok as the Executive Creative Director of Paris-based international advertising agency Publicis Worldwide, Vancelee has accumulated over 20 years worth of valuable experience operating in the vibrant, bustling cities in Southeast Asia, from Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur to Ho Chi Minh.

He lives by the mantra: “Only when you are not limited by your own fixed views, can you be free and open to limitless possibilities.”

He is currently writing for three overseas magazines. His recent book is “Journeys around my hotel rooms”.

What is your idea worth spreading?

Not following the map on a tour allows us to see the unseen, out of the box.

If you were given the opportunity to change the world, what would you do?

To change the world educational system. To focus more on morality and etiquette (道德教育) rather than academic success.

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