hourtanBy day, a landscape artist, at night he moonlights as Hour Tan, Rap singer, composer and writer.
Hour Tan’s passion for rap begin while sitting in his lorry, He discovered that Rap is a genre that is easily appreciated by younger generations, and he has ideals which he wishes to share, With that note, he began to immerse in Rap and wrote songs concerning today’s issues faced by himself and the younger generation.

His music and lyrics appeal to the younger market and this was his platform to share, and educate the masses about the misconception of Rap and Hip Hop music. Rap and Hip Hop is not about ‘Gangs’ and living a vice lifestyle. It’s about voicing out dissatisfaction with the world, with oneself, and how does one overcome these obstacles.

Hour Tan is one of the members of Mobeat, it comprises of three multi-talented individuals, they are Hour Tan, Kydd and Lance-C.

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